Saturday, 22 February 2014

How to speed up computer by deleting temporary files in just 3 steps.

computer speed up make pc faster

Your Computer speed  low or may your computer hang.? Then don't worry today i gonna tell you how to speed up your computer in just 3 simple steps  Many times you computer speed suddenly low because every computer has temp folder which contain temporary files, actually temporary files are those folders, files or program which you open in your system. When temp folder having excess amount of files then your computer speed gets low. So just you have to do is deleting temporary files. Below is the 3 simple steps with the help of which you can make your computer faster.

1:Open Run Program 
To delete temporary files you can first open run program from start menu or by pressing win+r key, and then computer will open a box which is like in the below pic.
computer speed up make pc faster

2: Write the command
To open temp folder you can write the command which is %temp%. After writing this command computer will automatically open the temp folder which contains temporary file.
computer speed up make pc faster

3: Delete all the files
When folder is open, you will see many temporary files in that folder, just you have to do is select all files and delete them. You can select all files by mouse write button or by pressing ctrl+A key.
computer speed up make pc faster

So these are the three simple steps to make your computer speed up, by doing this you clearly feel that your computer speed is now better.
Hope this technique will help you and don't forget to comment and share.

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